Just funny little things.


So I’m sitting here watching something on PBS about the Old Lincoln Highway. Now I know I haven’t used this account for blogging in years, and it has some pretty bad memories tied to it from.. of course years ago.. but at this moment I’m to lazy to make another account so I’m sticking with it. Writing can be therapeutic. I’m going to try to not be such an emo fuck, but  just my thoughts on things.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Route_of_the_Lincoln_Highway          Little bit of  history on it

Life is so fucking short, I guess I am seeing this more and more every day with my mom. So as lame as it might be I’ve sorta started a bucket list of sorts. This Lincoln Highway stretches coast to coast from PA to CA.  Was started shit back in the thirty’s I think? Some big wigs of auto companies decided to try to get people to buy there shit and at that time there really wasn’t many roads  right in the middle of the country, so they tried to get it to appeal to more adventuresome  folk.

There are still tons of old buildings, old road side cafe’s and motor lodges (little tiny cabin like buildings from the 30’s).  So here is my bucket list so far.

  1. Live in Europe for at least two years. And that has a whole list of other things in it.
  2. Drive down the Lincoln Highway
  3. Drive up state route 1 in CA
  4. See Rammstien in concert
  5. Visit Alaska and see the aurora borealis
  6. See a Colorado Sunset
  7. Go to New Orleans during Marti Gras. Visit a voodoo shop and show my tits a lot.  Leave Anne Rice hate mail.

Now if you want me to go more in depth with the whole Europe one which is really my biggest…. oh man here goes.

  • Visit Germany. Yes.. Germany is my fetish. They also have a huge festival every year nothing but goth/industrial music I want to go too. Visit Christian
  • Visit Poland, hooo props to my polish peoples.
  • Visit Amsterdam and get baked, and get my photo taken with a hooker in the red light district.
  • Go to Scotland, go to a pub and just mesh in with the locals and have a laugh. Visit the castle where William Wallace did whatever. Visit Joast.
  • Go to Italy, see as much as I can. Eat so much pasta I have to get fat girl pants. See amazing artwork. See the ruins.. the Sistine Chapel etc
  • Go to Austria, and visit the castle there with a real prince. Have coffee with Thomas 😦
  • UK.. par-fucking-tay. Stay with Clair. Feel like I’m at home.  Eat kabobs and greasy fish and chips. Drink a pint. TOAD IN THE OL’. Get my ass kicked in Welshland for saying they shag sheep. Go to a fetish club. Hump one of the palace guards who never smile.  Have proper English tea with scones and clotted cream. CRUMPETS!
  • Go to Russia, strap on fuzzy boots and a hat and drink vodka in the snow and try not to get sold into white slave trade.
  • Visit Greece. See the ocean.
  • Go to Egypt and see the pyramids.

Not sure if any of this shit will ever happen.. But I want em too. I wanna visit all the people that are rad that I talk to on a near daily basis, who are near and dear to my heart. I want to see the beautiful things and places I’ve only read about or seen in pictures. I want to have a photo album so full of shit.. that my life will never be called boring.


Okay that’s my rant for now. Moral of the story. Never take a moment for granted because you might be hit by a car tomorrow.

~ by ashemonster on December 3, 2010.

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